Friday, March 5, 2010

Sayin' it straight

Have you ever noticed how many times you don't say something because you fear the persons reaction, don't want to deal with "conflict", don't want to sound stupid, don't want to sound rude or offend someone, or just don't think anyone cares what you have to say? The excuses can go on endlessly. But all it goes back to is us simply being inauthentic and making the decision that we "just know how they will react."

What I challenge you to look at is that we CREATE all of that. Yes, we create the outcome of every conversation and reaction - even of others. Pretty crazy huh? Think about it, if you go home knowing you have to have a serious discussion regarding something and you tell yourself that you know how the other person is going to react, don't they almost always react that way? It is not because that is just how they are, you are creating it! You are either making yourself wrong, making a decision about them, making a decision for them or have a need to be right.

Next time you have to have a serious conversation or find yourself wanting to say something you just don't think you should say - Just say it coming from a place of authenticity. Let go of all that chatter in your mind saying, they will think I am stupid, they will get mad, they won't like me, they will be offended, I need to prove a point blah blah BLAH. Give it ALL up! You will be astounded by your results!!

So this week give it a try. Be powerful in your communication, give up being right, give up others liking you and BE YOU! We are all unique and beautiful. OH and the best part is we are ALL WHOLE, PERFECT AND COMPLETE!!! Please share how it goes.

I love you all!! Big hugs and kisses!!



1 comment:

  1. omg! this is so me! i have to stop doing this!
