Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'Tis the Season!

We are full swing into the holidays complete with Christmas/Holiday parties, shopping, meal planning, travel arrangements, cooking, entertaining, decorating, volunteering, giving etc. Whew! I am exhausted thinking about it! It's no wonder many people find themselves overwhelmed and frustrated with feeling like there is not enough time, not enough money, not enough energy or some variation of these. In reality we create our holiday experience and whether it will be enjoyable or exhausting.

Here are a few simple steps to getting rid of that exhausted feeling caused by the holidays.

1. Make a to-do list - Make a list of all the things you think you need to do. Now cross off all the things you think you SHOULD do. If you are doing them because you think you SHOULD do them, then you don't NEED to do them. Get rid of unnecessary obligations that you have committed to that you just don't have time for.

2. Simplify - Look at your paired down list and determine where you can simplify. Can you pay to have the presents wrapped? Can you have the groceries delivered? Can you delegate? Can you consolidate trips to the mall? Can you pay someone to clean the house? We have the tendency to think we have to do everything ourselves. This is simply a lie. When you start to ask for help you will be amazed how much more gets done.

3. RELAX! - Create time in your schedule just to relax and look at Christmas lights or drink hot chocolate or watch a Christmas movie with your family or loved ones. Most important during the holidays is to stop long enough to enjoy it. So what if you don't go get those new place mats you think would look great with the place settings? Or go get those extra stocking stuffers? Or make that extra pie? Ask yourself if that stress and time is more important then enjoying your time with your family or loved ones.

Wishing you all the happiest of holiday seasons! Enjoy it!!

Love! Freedom! Power!
