Friday, September 4, 2009

Just maybe our pets know something we don't..

"Be the person your pet thinks you are."

Interesting quote. Who do they think we are? Or do they KNOW who we are and they love us anyway? I have had countless conversations with friends/family about animals and some common things I hear are:

1. I hope I find someone that is excited to see me when I get home as my dog is!
2. Your pet loves you no matter what you do. You can yell at them, you can leave them for a long time, you can forget to feed them or walk them and they still LOVE YOU!
3. Why is my dog always SO happy? No matter what it seems...
4. How do they seem to know just what to do to make you smile when you are down in the dumps?

You get the idea. Our pets just looove us, they are just happy. They live in the moment where nothing is wrong, where nothing else matters.

This leads me into the question; why do our happy pets living in the moment seem so accepting and loving towards us just the way we are yet we spend most of our lives feeling judged by ourselves and others or judging others? How does judgment serve any of us? I know it sure doesn't feel good from whatever angle it is coming from.

Let's think over this for a moment. Why do we do it? Is it because we don't truly love ourselves and the things we judge others for are the things we don't like about ourselves?

Let the following really sit with you for a bit:

Nothing is wrong with anyone - including you. Everyone is simply perfect just the way they are. And the crazy thought is, that if you were them you would do EXACTLY the same thing. You would.

The things that others do are never about you. It's about them. It's a projection of their reality and their needs. Why take any of it personal? When you take it personal, you are making it about yourself. You aren't loving yourself.

My challenge for you is the next time you hear words like, should/shouldn't/should've, bad/good, right/wrong, better/worse, supposed to, in your head stop for a minute. Acknowledge these thoughts are there toward either yourself or others. Then make the conscious decision to choose acceptance of whatever the situation is and practice love & acceptance versus the terrible choice of judging.

Spend a day looking for ways to be more loving and accepting of yourself and others. Do this for you and the people that pass your paths each day.

Take the lessons from your pet and love others the way they love you. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

"Real magic in relationships means the absence of judgment of others." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Thank you for your reading! And thank you for you!

Love. Freedom. Power

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