Hello my friends,
2010 is in full swing and have you set your goals yet?? We all have some type of goals that we have for ourselves. Maybe it is to lose weight, get a new car, find a new job, buy a home, write a book, learn Spanish etc. We all have them in some form.
How often do we actually accomplish our goals? We may start out nice and strong for the first couple weeks of the year then something derails us and we never really get back on track.
Here are a few quick tips to help you accomplish those goals:
1. Write them down - Writing down your goals sends a message out to the Universe that you are serious about accomplishing your goals.
2. Set Completion Dates - Next to each goal write down a date and TIME that you will complete the goal by. Adding the date and time makes that intention with the Universe even stronger. You begin immediately attracting your goal!
3. Make them visible - Put them in a place that you will see them every day. I was talking with someone yesterday that said she carries around a notebook with her goals in that she looks at daily. This is a great idea! You could also do things like hang them on the fridge, or on the mirror. You can even get creative and do things like hang pictures above your bed of $100,000 if your goal is to make that amount this year. Get creative! Live your dreams and goals!
4. Accountability Partner- Find someone that is going to hold you accountable to your goals. I recommend someone that is not super close to you that would allow you to sluff or let you justify it if you do. It could be someone like a Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Mentor, etc. Set up times to touch base with them weekly or multiple times weekly if needed.
5. Keep going - If you get off track for a bit, do not let that discourage you. Don't make yourself wrong. Just get back up and keep going! You can accomplish anything you set your mind on! I promise!
I read in The Success Principles by Jack Canfield that when you do some of the items above and make your goals a part of your daily life your mind will begin finding the ways to get you there. It may not always be the way you anticipated, but you will get there. It's similar to when you buy something you start noticing all of a sudden everyone else that has it too.
What are your goals? I would love to hear and help support you in accomplishing those goals and making 2010 the best year yet!
Love! Freedom! Power!
Kat Kirkwood
Life Coach
Ph: 214.422.4695
Website: www.powerinfreedom.com
email: kat@powerinfreedom.com
Friday, January 22, 2010
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