Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Transformed You = A Transformed World

When you are transformed the world around you cannot help but be transformed too. If I were a bettin’ gal I would guess right now you are thinking something along the lines of, “that is all fine and good and I know that, but I am the way I am and can’t possibly transform myself- I’ve tried!”

Does that belief really inspire you? I would probably guess no.

How would you like to create something inspiring in place of that old belief? Here’s the skinny on how to do just that and get on the road to a brand new and transformed YOU!

1. The voices in your head: Here is a secret – it’s NOT YOU! That is what we call your ego, or what I like to call your Negative Nelly/Ned. All there is to do is acknowledge those thoughts as they come up, get that they are not you, and let them go. Every time you hear those voices just say, “thanks Nelly/Ned for the input and have a nice day.”

2. Who are you going to be for the world?: The old way isn’t working right? So try something new! Next time Nelly/Ned is rambling on, take over and pick a new way to be. For example, if you are being stressed and worried you could ask yourself, “how would I be if I were being more care-free?” Viola! You will be a new way. Try it!

3. Creating new beliefs: I would like to introduce Positive Polly/Piper. By creating daily affirmations around how amazing and wonderful you are and telling yourself these affirmations consistently every day, you will find Nelly/Ned doesn’t come to visit as often. Now take a minute and notice what Nelly/Ned just told you. They probably are not being nice – it’s ok they like to fib. The truth is that you really are whole, perfect and complete!

Life is not meant to be so darn difficult. We do it to ourselves and when we try out new ways, stick with it and have accountability to it, it absolutely is possible to be transformed! And the icing on the cake – when you transform yourself the WHOLE world around you is transformed and impacted in big ways. You are that powerful! I promise.

If you would like to learn more on transforming your life and how it is possible, please contact me!

Lots of hugs and giggles!



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